The Fund

  • 1. Idea Generation

    Constant idea generation coupled with a well-defined investment universe​

    • Individual idea generation from wide array of sources such as research reports, conversations with industry experts, internet forums, thematic trend study, top-down macro-analysis​

    • Basic screen to ensure companies fit within our investment universe (e.g., market capitalization above $3B, geography and sector considerations)​

    • Out-of-the-box thinking to identify new investment strategies or ideas that go against the status quo or market consensus​

    • Special focus on tailwinds for ESG focused sectors and companies​

  • 2. Fundamental Analysis

    Extensive research to determine fundamentals of company​

    • We look for solid evidence of business advantages with driven leadership. Questions we ask are: Is there a strong economic moat Who are the main competitors and why do we choose this company over others? What is the growth story? Key risks?​

    • Macro and industry trends providing headwinds or tailwinds

    • Upside potential at current price?​

    • What is the company’s environmental impact and social impact? How is the corporate governance within the company?​

  • 3. Quantitative Analysis

    Quantitative analysis to determine future value of company​

    Phase 1 analysis:​

    • Is the current growth sustainable?

    • What are its revenue drivers and margin drivers?​

    • Financial statements forecasting

    • How is the company’s Free Cash Flow position?​

    Phase 2 analysis:​

    • New and alternative data analytics

    • Discounted Cash Flow valuation and Comparables analysis using multiples​

    • At least 20% upside at current price​

  • 4. Portfolio Construction

    Following clear rules to maintain investment discipline​

    • Initial Positions: 2-5%​

    • Maximum Position Size: 15%​

    • Maximum Industry Exposure: 30%

    • Minimum Number of Industries: 5

    • Maximum Number of Holdings: 20

  • 5. Risk and Performance

    Constant monitoring of portfolio with disciplined sell strategy​

    • Price exceeding valuation resulting in realisation of returns

    • Changes to original assumptions resulting in change of valuation

    • More attractive competitor due to changes in economic moats​

    • Monitoring of volatile stocks influenced by non-traditional information sources and irrationality